My Photoshop Retouching Process – Time Lapse Video

Retouching Demonstration

Photoshop, and Lightroom method to professional high-end retouching. This video demonstrates how I use the Liquify filter, patch tool, rubber stamp tool, Frequency separation, Curves, Adjustment Layers, and Noise to retouch in a non destructive manner.

These videos demonstrate what goes into the process of retouching photos here at Erika Barker Photography. Unfortunately, many people assume there is a magical button, or a quick way of going through this process, but nothing could be further from the truth. The time spent in properly correcting a photo that is ready for print can range from 2-3 hours. The highest attention-to-detail goes into every imperfection in the photo, until the final product looks like a polished product.

Unfortunately, consumers are not the only ones who may misunderstand the process of retouching. I have come across many photographers and photography portfolios where an “all-in-one” magic filter was used. Well, at least we would like to think it’s magic. Usually these products promise to deliver perfect skin retouching within a matter of minutes. That is just simply not the case. It’s incredibly sad that so many photographers fall for this, and waste good money on a product that makes imagery look very plastic, unnatural, and edited. The trick to being a great retoucher is to give the illusion that the photo was never edited.

If you are looking for a photographer who claims to do image retouching, make sure, their final products don’t look unnatural. Make sure that the texture of the skin is still preserved, and the photo looks well balanced.

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